
Weekly Review

I said I was gonna rest on Sunday, and I did. We went to church first thing Sunday morning and afterwords, Devin drove me to moms. The four of us went to lunch at Casa Luna in Sparta. Devin drove me back home too. Someday, he will schedule that driving test and be out on his own.
I took my CRV in for a fuel injection service at Cookeville Honda Monday morning. Supposedly it is good to have all the ethanol and trash cleaned from the fuel lines. I know one thing that has definitely been cleaned wallet. $150 for that treatment and I don't think my car runs any differently :(
I'm having a little trouble with the car wants to drag a little and take its time cranking. I dropped it off at CHS Monday evening to let the auto mechanics class take a look first thing Tuesday morning. Who knows, maybe they will learn something and maybe I will find out what the problem is.
Tuesday, I picked up my car at auto mechanics because they said that the starter was too hard for the guys in class to mess with. They did recommend having the battery checked even though it's a new one.
Turns out, I needed a new battery cable clamp because mine was too lose. Thank goodness...nothing major.
Wednesday was looking up. My car was back up to par, we had a fellowship meal at church and all is well with the world.
Thursday brought the rain back in. HEAVY RAIN. Nashville was having flooding issues again and so was Cookeville. Downpours all day until around 4pm. 
I had a parent cheer meeting at 5pm where I found out that we have fund raisers to look forward to. We also got candy schedules for the girls and received their new football jerseys.
By Friday, the sun was back out, but rain was still in the forcast. Brookelynn went to Jalyn's house for her birthday sleepover. She took Jalyn five rolls of duck tape as a birthday gift. Who would have ever thought that kids would be so intrigued by duck tape?
We had to make a trip to Sparta to Central View before we settled in for the night.

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