
Weekend Work

Saturday's are made for rest, relaxation or doing something you enjoy. That is not how today was spent. I have been dreading something for a long time, but today I did it. I spent my Saturday painting our bedroom ceiling. It was tiring and took a few hours, but it is done and it looks soooo much better. I will probably have a crick in my neck for a week from looking straight up for hours today, but that's's done.
Brookelynn had the nerve to ask if we could go buy paint to paint her room. "Are you kidding me?" I asked.
So since I was not willing to spend what was left of Saturday painting her room, she decided to rearrange it anyways.
We did however end up trimming trees, shrubs and sprucing up the yard. A lot of work went on around here today. A lot more work than should have taken place on a Saturday. Tomorrow, WE REST!

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