
Gray Skies and Showers

Rain again?! This has been the soggiest summer that I can remember. When we left for church this morning the clouds were rolling in. By the time we got out of church, there were showers scattered about.
Mother nature must have received her invitation to Michaela's shower for today and thought we ordered "showers" today. The skies matched the color theme too. Gray. We got our car loaded down with decorations and food, then off to Doyle we headed. Luckily, we caught a break in the rain while we unloaded the car. Brooke got the tablecloths decorated while I sat out the refreshments. Darlene helped arrange the tables and we got everything together with time to spare. Jennifer Leonard arrived with the cake and paper goods and we were all set.
Brookelynn had a game prepared to guess how many pink sixlets were in a baby bottle and the winner was within 3 pieces off.

Michaela opened lots and lots of great baby gifts. Although as far as supplies go, she seems prepared,  her life is about to change forever. Motherhood is such a hard concept to grasp. It is a lifelong commitment that we carry to our graves. We all envision what parenting will be like, but I think most of us end up with a "slap in the face" reality check when these little people start growing up and developing personalities of their own. It is funny how different our children turn out from what we pictured in our minds as we carried them in our tummies for the first nine months of their lives. It is challenging, exhausting, overwhelming and sometimes frustrating, but as moms we pull ourselves together and keep moving forward.

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