
Golden Corral

Today was our annual birthday meal at Golden Corral compliments of my dad. This year, the attendees were...

  1. Me
  2. Devin
  3. Brookelynn
  4. Gary 
  5. Darlene
  6. Brad
  7. Matasia
  8. Zander
  9. Stacia
  10. Jett
  11. Dash
  12. Grey
  13. Daddy
  14. Phyllis
  15. Kevin
  16. Vickie
  17. Katlin
  18. Braiden 
  19. Foster kid 1
  20. foster kid 2
  21. foster kid 3
  22. Tiffany
  23. Kendal
  24. Braxton
  25. Mike
  26. April
We all left full and sticky from the chocolate fountain and cotton candy.

It must have been spouces stay home year because neither Delano, Michaela, nor Stroker made it.

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