
Out With the Old

Something came over me this morning. I really don't know what it was, but I started taking clothes off the hangers in my closet and placing them in a plastic bag. Not just one or two things, but three bags eventually made it to the help center donation door. My closet is still full, but at least it is full of cloths that I will actually wear. I had so many hangers with garments that I never touch. I don't know why I have hung on to some of those cloths this long. I must have been in the zone, because I cleaned out Brookelynns closet too and some of Devin's.  I can't believe what a feeling of accomplishment I have just from clearing out clothes that we don't want.
This evening, Stroker wanted us to take the dogs on another walk so that he could watch Kimba play in the water. We took Cletus too, but a two mile walk two days in a row are a bit too much for him.

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