
The Starter

Today went downhill fast. Before school, I had to take a trip to the gas station because I knew I could not get the kids delivered on what little amount of gas that I had in my tank. When I went to leave the gas station, my car hesitated to start. Oh No, this is not a good sign I thought. I did get the kids delivered to school without any problems. At lunch, I had a few errands to run and got started on my way with the first stop at Hobby Lobby. Second stop, Kohls and the third stop at TJ Maxx. When I got in the car to head home, it again hesitated to start. When I got home I checked the mail and ran inside to quickly check on some things. When I got back in my car, it…would…not…start.-At All. I tried and tried for fifteen minutes. Initially, I thought “This is just great…how am I going to get where I need to go?.” After sitting in the car for a few minutes, my attitude changed. I began to realize that I could have been anywhere in town and been stranded, but instead, God’s grace got me all the way home and in my own driveway before allowing my car to give up. We are quick to get frustrated at the inconveniences that we are sometimes forced to deal with, instead , we should be grateful for God’s provisions that He graced us with.  
When Stroker got home from work, he tried all afternoon to get it cranked. No luck. By 7:00, he and a friend from his work were towing the CRV to Honda.

On a much lighter note, I caught Devin working on homework this morning on the way to school. 

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