
What 2011 Taught Me

Goodbye 2011.
You were an enlightening year for me and my family. We have worked harder, loved stronger and learned a wealth of knowledge over the past twelve months.
Here are ELEVEN things I have come to realize and understand in 2011 that I was "in the dark" about before.
  • I am blessed far beyond anything I could ever deserve.
  • The Happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything.
  • God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are His followers. Mathew 5:11 
  • Other things may change, but we Start and End as Family.
  • I am far from what I once was, but not yet what I am going to be.
  • MARRIAGE: It isn't a noun, it's a verb. It isn't something you get, it's something you do...It's the way you LOVE your Partner every single day.
  • Don't worry about anything; Instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Phil 4:6
  • Every woman deserves a man that can make her forget her heart has ever been broken.
  • Blessed is the home where each puts the other's happiness first.
  • Children will forget the material things that you provided them, but will remember the feeling that you cherished them.
  • LOVE NEVER FAILS  Corinthians 13:8


Change of Plans

Well crud! Just as I thought I was getting plans underway for Devin's 16th birthday, the inevitable happens; a reservation comes in. Sixteen is a milestone birthday and we thought it would be fun to make it a memorable weekend for Devin.

Girls get to plan their “sweet 16” parties with all the decoration, entertainment, crazy party themes etc., and guys should make it unforgettable too. So why not do something out of the ordinary like taking a trip to a cool place you have never visited before?

Last night, I scoured the internet in search for a hotel, airline tickets and mapped out a weekend full of plans in “the Windy City”.
Today, I woke up to an email scheduling a rental the weekend of Devin’s birthday.

So, that throws a wrench in those plans. I don’t want to schedule a trip for the following weekend, because that is just three weeks prior to the cruise. That would be too much traveling in one month time.
So, I guess we will have to find a celebration alternative and save that adventure for another weekend down the road. Anybody up for a weekend trip this Spring?

Maybe we can visit somewhere closer to home for Devin's birthday, like Memphis (we have never been there either).


Not So Silent Night

I was sleeping really well until 1:30 am Christmas morning. That's when Stroker rolled over and said "I can't sleep".  My eyes flew open as if he said "Santa just landed on the roof!". So much for settling down for a long winters nap. Stroker asked if we should get up and get things prepared, but I insisted NO WAY!
If Santa came by that early, Brookelynn might wake up at 3am and be ready to check things out. So we laid there awake for an hour. During this time, I started to develop a stuffy nose in one nostril and a runny nose in the other. I have no idea what triggered that event, but I started sneezing randomly too.
At 2:30, he slung back the covers and said "I am getting this over with". I don't know who was more excited about Santa...him or Brookelynn. We finally laid back down around 3 am and drifted off to sleep shortly after. At 4:30, Brookelynn was standing by our bed saying "Get up...Get up...he was here!". 
It had been less than an hour and a half since we got back to bed and now she was pleading for us to get back up.  Being the cruel parents that we are, we begged her to lay down with us till the same came she did.
By 6:30, there was no holding her back. She said "you better get your camera ready while I wake up Devin if you want to get any pictures".  We knew she was serious, so we jumped up.
In only a matter of minutes the living room went from this
to this
Devin thought his list had been overlooked until he found everything he asked for in his stocking.
As the day moved on, we baked Jesus a strawberry birthday cake, we went to church, had Christmas with Stroker's side of the family and 14 of us went to the theatre to see 
 I came down with a head cold throughout the day and finished off the night with Zyrtec and NyQuil.
Hope you had a great Christmas !


Happy Birthday

Isiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be on his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


Christmas Eve 2011

The Christmas cards started pouring in a little later than usual this year. This Christmas card holder is actually a Santa face and beard, but you would never know it from the looks of this photo. It is filled to the max with Christmas wishes from friends and family.  How blessed we are to have so many.
Christmas is also a busy season for us with multiple celebrations and visits to make. We started celebrating with the Brooke's last weekend, then had a celebration at dad's, tonight we celebrated at moms. Tomorrow, we wake to see what Santa left, then off to celebrate His birthday at church with our church family then to my mother-in-laws to for Christmas and a movie with family. Although it can sometimes be stressful and tiresome, I am very grateful to have so many places to go and family to spend time with at this time of year.
With that said, here are some photos from our Christmas celebration today.
Dash, Brookelynn and Heather
 Brookelynn and one of her gifts
 Devin examining one of his gifts.
The kid's patiently awaiting  

Braxton thought that he spotted one last gift at the bottom of the bag.

He just couldn't seem to reach it.



Had a great Christmas dinner with friends at Mauricios last night. I had the chicken parmesan. My Mauricios favorite. Mailed out the last 400 Christmas cards at 9:30 last night. Sooo glad to have those finished. Made pineapple smokies to share for lunch. They are so yummy. Wrapped some gifts and was in bed by 11:45 in my brand new sheets that arrived in the mail today.


A Home Cooked Meal

I made a baked pasta casserole and cheese bread tonight instead of going out to dinner.
So what if I don't make a home cooked meal for my family every night. Cooking makes me cranky. Not just the cooking, but the grocery shopping, the cooking, the mess and the clean-up all make me cranky. By the way, just because it was cooked on a house stove, does not mean that it is any healthier than the food prepared on the stove at Outback, Olive Garden, O'Charley's or any other sit down restaurant. I prefer to sit down with my family at a table with someone attending to our empty glasses and bread basket while we have a nice family conversation. After dinner, I prefer to come home to a clean kitchen with a to-go box full of leftovers for lunch the next day. Our dinner technique allows for more family time and less labor on our part.
When my kids are grown, their dinner memories will not be of me standing in the kitchen for two hours every night while they sit in front of a television or computer, it will be of us deciding where will we gather for dinner and what we will order. It will not be of everybody scarfing down their food so they can get back to the computer, tv, or text messages, it will be of the four of us enjoying a relaxing meal without interuption. It will not be arguments about whose doing the dishes, but discussions of the days happenings and upcoming events. Dining out nightly may not be everybody's "cup of tea", but as for the Hayes works for us.


Speeding Through Sunday

We left home at 9:30 am headed to church, then Jamestown to follow, then darted down to Sparta for Christmas at dads. At 5:00 we were back in the truck on our way back to Jamestown and finally made it home by 8:30pm. What a busy day.
We had lunch at dads and exchanged gifts. There was paper flying, excited kids, and camera's flashing.
The best gift was to get to celebrate another Christmas with all of us together.


A Christmas Tradition

We meant to sleep in this morning, but woke up bright and early. Stroker got out in the 39 degree temperature to hand wash my car because "it was overdue" (he said). Who in there right mind washes a car when it is this cold outside? I can't decide if he just really really loves me or if he has lost his sanity.
By midday, we were on I40 headed to Mt. Juliet for our annual Christmas dinner with the Brooks family. It has become tradition over the years to meet up for dinner and a gift exchange. We don't get to visit much due to the miles between us, but look forward to the times we set aside for each other. Brookelynn had been sooo excited this week to get to see Ansley. The gifts were exchanged while we all had dinner. We also looked at photos of the progress on their new house. Looking forward to seeing it when it is done.
We went to Best Buy, Target  and Home Goods while we were in the area, but couldn't deal with the over crowded stores and check out lines beyond those three stores and decided to head back home.


Ready for the weekend

Stroker and I went to finish up some Christmas shopping and then dinner at Applebee's without the kiddos.
Our appetiser arrived after our entree's were on the table. Usual service we receive at Applebee's. It's been a chilly day. Beginning to feel like Christmas.
Watched "The Help" this evening at my mother in laws. It was pretty good. We were over due a visit to her house. It has been a couple of weeks since we had been over there. Sure glad tomorrow is Saturday.


Fa la la la la

Today was the final day of school in 2011 for the kids. They were both looking forward to getting this day behind them. Brookelynn spent her last day at school celebrating with a class Christmas party. Devin spent his last day taking "End of Course" exams.
I attended Brooke's party to help the kids wrap the gifts that they were donating to the animal shelter. It was a bitter-sweet occasion. The party was fun, but the thought of it being the last school Christmas party that I could attend lingered in the back of my mind. Next Christmas she will be in middle school and there will be no more parties. I'm really gonna miss that.
Rewind to last night, our church went around on a Christmas caroling escapade. Stroker and Devin had forgotten that it was scheduled for last night, but not me...I was sooo looking forward to it. We all had a great time and made several people smile. One lady told us that our visit was her best Christmas present yet. That made my heart smile. These days, its seems that people get so caught up in the gifts, fancy packaging and Santa's deadline that they sometimes miss out on the Peace & Joy that Christmas should bring.
Last night the caroling and fellowship felt like everything that Christmas should be about.
I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight. Tomorrow is Friday and the beginning of another weekend full of visiting friends and family. I'm glad the kids are out of school tomorrow. I too am ready for a break from dragging them out of bed and rushing around.


Recital and Parade

Two events this evening filled our agenda. 5pm was Brookelynn's first (and last) piano recital. She tried her hardest to get out of going, but we just would not give in. Although she has decided to end her pianist career early, her performance was excellent. The song that she chose "Circle of Life" has several "eight count" pauses that she timed perfectly. We are very proud of her. Papa and Phyllis came to watch her too.
You can watch her performance by clicking HERE
Turns out Libby's recital was tonight. I am glad that we got to see her play. We would have never known had we not just lucked up and planned Brooke's recital on the same night.
The weather finally held up this week for tonight's 7pm Christmas parade that was scheduled to have taken place two Mondays ago. There was no rain in the forecast, but the temperature was in the thirties. 
It was definitely a Christmas parade atmosphere.


Saturday Scramble

  • The day began at 7am. Out of bed and on the road by 7:30.
  • Headed to Livingston.
  • Back home by 8:45 and dropped Devin off at the gym for his 9am basketball game. Oops, the game was scheduled for 10am. So he was an hour early...oh well. 
  • Stroker and I missed the ball game because our schedule was packed for the day.
  • We were in Sparta by 10am setting up tables, chairs and a bounce house for Braxton's First birthday party.
  • Back to Cookeville by 11:00 and Stroker was making his first trip to Gainesboro by 11:30.
  • Brookelynn and I headed back to Sparta at noon. We picked up mom and made it to Braxton's party at 1pm.

Braxton had sooo much fun. Tiffany & Kendal took a lot of time and effort making sure that it was a memorable first birthday for him. He has a good mommy and daddy that loves him to pieces :)
I didn't take quite as many pictures as usual because there were plenty of other camaras snapping photos too. You can view all the photos that I took by clicking HERE
After Braxton's party, we zoomed back over to Livingston, then Gainesboro and we finally made it back home to relax at 8:30pm.  Whew . . . what a day.


Ending the Week

What a day with a packed agenda. It began early with dropping the kids off at school (almost late). Good 'ol greasy Pizza Hut for lunch and then a trip to the salon to take mom to have her hair done. I asked her last week if she would like for me to take her to the salon as her Christmas gift from me to her and she thought it was a great idea. After her hair was done, we began hopping from store to store knocking out her Christmas shopping. She really ran across some great deals on Christmas gifts today. She checked off everyone on her list except for two kiddos. We headed back over to my house at 5:30 with a bag full of McDonald's burgers for dinner (more greasy food, just what we need).
Stacia brought Jett and Dash over to hang out with us for a while till she ran an errand. We loaded up the kids and mom and drove through the live Nativity. It was awesome and beautiful as usual. Jett really seemed to pay close attention to everything. He informed us about how God made the trees and all the families. Jett is such a smart little boy...always paying attention. He reminds me so much of Devin. I miss Devin at that age.


Check, Check...and Check

The last couple of days have been a little productive around the Hayes House.
  • Bought 4 more skeins of yarn today...(check that off my list)
  • Brookelynn had her picture taken with Santa...(check that off the list too).
  • Went to watch Jack and Jill at the theatre..(Quality time with family...check)
 It was definitely better than The Muppet's, yet not fantastic. Now I am feeling a bit sick from the popcorn overload.

  • Wednesday night bible study...(check) Enjoyed Country Cookin' at Faith Fellowship last night.
  • Got some presents wrapped and under the tree (BIG Check)
  • The stocking are hung (not by the chimney, but hung nonetheless...sooo check)

  • Other decorations are up as well and I have Braxton's birthday banner underway...(check and check)
Now, I just have to get some ribbon tomorrow to string all the letters on.

Senior Moment

I think we have recently turned into "old people". Stroker is a couch potato watching one football game after another and I am by his side knitting.  I have always imagined us this way, but never thought it would be while we were in our thirties.
So far, I have completed three waterfall scarves.


Beginning December 2011

Thursday was December 1st. "No shave November" was finally over. Stroker shaved his beard that he had worked on for three weeks.  I continued knitting my third scarf. I have plans to gift some of them this Christmas.
Friday evening, we went to El Tap for dinner before we went to watch Devin's first ball game of the season. He scored 2 points, made a few rebounds due to his height and had a few good blocks. 
We spent Saturday preparing more Christmas cards. I made 2 trips to Hobby Lobby and another store to stock up on a couple more Christmas gifts. I'm a bit slower this year on finishing up our shopping, but I am slowing knocking it out.
Saturday evening, Stoker pulled the truck from one driveway to the other and turned off the engine. A few minutes later, he went to start it back up and just as luck would have it...the battery was dead.  Uuugghhhh.  Not exactly what we had in mind to purchase in December, but it's one of those things that you can't get by without.
After replacing the battery, we hitched up the trailer (that sounded kinda redneck) and headed to Jaiden's 9th birthday party.  She had a beautiful two tier cake. Wish I had a photo to post, but I haven't picked up the camera this week.
Today, Brooke and I headed out to White County to visit mom. The three of us went to lunch at one of the upscale restaurants that Sparta has to offer. Mom got the fish-fil-a combo, Brooke got the cheeseburger combo and I had the McChicken sandwich. After we ate, we drove around a bit looking for some good Christmas decorations that Sparta has to offer (not much luck finding any) and detoured our way back to moms house.  We took here an inflatable Christmas Sponge Bob decoration for her yard, so Brookelynn and I installed it while we were there.
Stroker and Devin spent the day at home; watching football of course. When Brooke and I returned home, Stroker and I decided to open our Christmas gift "to and from" each other. So we spent the evening enjoying our new surround sound. I wish I could say that we were enjoying a good movie in surround sound, but instead it's just more football games...uuuuggggghhhhhhhh!
So, how was your weekend?


Ending November

Tuesday night, we had a peaceful "grown up" dinner with four other adults at the Cracker Barrel. It was quite a different experience compared to our normal dinner conversations. We had a great time, but hurried back home to the kids who spent the evening at home with pizza, homework, PlayStation and TV. Hhhmmmm...that actually doesn't sound half bad. Who knows, the kids may have enjoyed the evening more than we did. Devin had basketball practice at 7:00, so dinner was a bit rushed for us (as usual).

Wednesday was back to the "norm"; We went to Bible study at church and had a late dinner with the kids by our side. Stroker was beginning to feel the onset of a sore throat and chest congestion. Typical symptoms for this time of year.


Two for Tuesday

1 .  Brookelynn is in Christmas shopping mode. She and I went out shopping for a while last night. She wants to spend "her" money to buy us precious.

2 .  Tonight is date night for me and Stroker (and two other couples) at Cracker Barrel. It's not often that we partake in adult only outings. We have both been looking forward to this one.


Rainy November Days

Rainy, Dreary days are good for two things...

1. Laying around on the couch...Brookelynn wouldn't get up, so Stroker laid in her lap.

2 . Getting those things done that have been on your "To Do" list for a while. I made a movie of Brookelynn's birthday photo's and posted them online. You can view it by clicking HERE


Black Friday

We spent the day today, dragging out Christmas decorations and we even got some of them displayed. The rest is scattered precariously throughout the house.  The Christmas tree is up and decorated at least.
When the mail ran today, I received a couple of envelopes with the following enclosed:
Remember when I posted about my debit card number being stolen in October?  Looks like some of the money orders that were purchased managed to find there way to me.  $3,820.00 worth of them anyway. I still can't fathom when and where someone got hold of the number.
I wonder if my debit card number was stolen in Destin Fl. when we went on vacation? We did use it A LOT while we were there and we paid for the condo with it too. 
Note to self:  Future vacations will be credit card and cash only.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
Stroker received one of his Christmas gifts today. We ordered "Big 10 Network" so he spent the day glued to the couch.
We came down with a case of cabin fever around 6pm and took a trip to the movies to see "The Muppets".
It wasn't awesome, I must admit...but it did spark up some nostalgia from my childhood years.


Thanksgiving 2011

During the Thanksgiving holiday, I feel that it's important to take time to reflect on the things that we are truly thankful for. It's so easy to get caught up in the baking, planning and preparation of the holiday that we easily miss the significance. We take a lot of things for granted every day, such as our home, transportation, mom, dad and siblings. I thank the Lord everyday for Stroker, Devin and Brookelynn; they were truly hand picked for me by Him. I am also very thankful that our family became actively involved in church this year. Those on and off visits to church in past years were just not sufficient. I am especially thankful that my children accepted Him into their hearts this past July.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4)
This year God gave us all a reminder that he is in control and that we should acknowledge Him for who He is.
Tuesday night, just after 11pm, we received a disturbing call that Briana had been in an accident. She flipped her Ford Escape several times, took out several fence posts and landed across the street. Amazingly, she walked away with treatable injuries. The greatest blessing is that she walked away.
We thank you Lord for Your mercy and grace.

We spent the day traveling to Sparta and Algood to feast with family and friends. It is blessing to have a place to go and spend the holiday with loved ones; it is a greater blessing to have more than one place to go to celebrate the holiday. For that, I am thankful.