
Ending the Week

What a day with a packed agenda. It began early with dropping the kids off at school (almost late). Good 'ol greasy Pizza Hut for lunch and then a trip to the salon to take mom to have her hair done. I asked her last week if she would like for me to take her to the salon as her Christmas gift from me to her and she thought it was a great idea. After her hair was done, we began hopping from store to store knocking out her Christmas shopping. She really ran across some great deals on Christmas gifts today. She checked off everyone on her list except for two kiddos. We headed back over to my house at 5:30 with a bag full of McDonald's burgers for dinner (more greasy food, just what we need).
Stacia brought Jett and Dash over to hang out with us for a while till she ran an errand. We loaded up the kids and mom and drove through the live Nativity. It was awesome and beautiful as usual. Jett really seemed to pay close attention to everything. He informed us about how God made the trees and all the families. Jett is such a smart little boy...always paying attention. He reminds me so much of Devin. I miss Devin at that age.

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