
Check, Check...and Check

The last couple of days have been a little productive around the Hayes House.
  • Bought 4 more skeins of yarn today...(check that off my list)
  • Brookelynn had her picture taken with Santa...(check that off the list too).
  • Went to watch Jack and Jill at the theatre..(Quality time with family...check)
 It was definitely better than The Muppet's, yet not fantastic. Now I am feeling a bit sick from the popcorn overload.

  • Wednesday night bible study...(check) Enjoyed Country Cookin' at Faith Fellowship last night.
  • Got some presents wrapped and under the tree (BIG Check)
  • The stocking are hung (not by the chimney, but hung nonetheless...sooo check)

  • Other decorations are up as well and I have Braxton's birthday banner underway...(check and check)
Now, I just have to get some ribbon tomorrow to string all the letters on.

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