
Recital and Parade

Two events this evening filled our agenda. 5pm was Brookelynn's first (and last) piano recital. She tried her hardest to get out of going, but we just would not give in. Although she has decided to end her pianist career early, her performance was excellent. The song that she chose "Circle of Life" has several "eight count" pauses that she timed perfectly. We are very proud of her. Papa and Phyllis came to watch her too.
You can watch her performance by clicking HERE
Turns out Libby's recital was tonight. I am glad that we got to see her play. We would have never known had we not just lucked up and planned Brooke's recital on the same night.
The weather finally held up this week for tonight's 7pm Christmas parade that was scheduled to have taken place two Mondays ago. There was no rain in the forecast, but the temperature was in the thirties. 
It was definitely a Christmas parade atmosphere.

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