
Change of Plans

Well crud! Just as I thought I was getting plans underway for Devin's 16th birthday, the inevitable happens; a reservation comes in. Sixteen is a milestone birthday and we thought it would be fun to make it a memorable weekend for Devin.

Girls get to plan their “sweet 16” parties with all the decoration, entertainment, crazy party themes etc., and guys should make it unforgettable too. So why not do something out of the ordinary like taking a trip to a cool place you have never visited before?

Last night, I scoured the internet in search for a hotel, airline tickets and mapped out a weekend full of plans in “the Windy City”.
Today, I woke up to an email scheduling a rental the weekend of Devin’s birthday.

So, that throws a wrench in those plans. I don’t want to schedule a trip for the following weekend, because that is just three weeks prior to the cruise. That would be too much traveling in one month time.
So, I guess we will have to find a celebration alternative and save that adventure for another weekend down the road. Anybody up for a weekend trip this Spring?

Maybe we can visit somewhere closer to home for Devin's birthday, like Memphis (we have never been there either).

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