
Time is Running Out

Went to a Christmas Drop in at Sharon A's house on Thursday, December 17. Hung out with friends, had hour-devours and toured her new house. I got back home in time to draw a name for one of my Christmas giveaways on Facebook. This season is flying by.
Friday, December 18, Stroker and I tried to slow down enough to have a quiet dinner at Cheddars, but it too went quickly. I had lots of things to do at home, not to mentions tons of gifts still to be bought. The thought of Christmas being one week away was stressing me out. 
As we left Cheddars, we took time to drive through the live Christmas Nativity that one of the churches here in town displays every Christmas. It is one of my favorite Christmas activities and it puts things back into perspective. Scene by scene, the story of Christ.

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