
I'm Not Ready Yet

Stroker and I went to dinner with Gary, Darlene, Trent, Stacia, Jett, Dash, Grey, Brad and Casen for Trents 25th birthday on Monday, December 21. We went to Rib City. The food was good, but the weather...not so much. It was pouring the rain when it came time to leave. This whole week has got a crazy Christmas forecast. Tornado's are predicted for Wednesday night. 
I spent Tuesday, December 22 wrapping gifts and wrapping up loose ends all around the house. This holiday is coming for me and I am not ready!
I purchased my last gift on Wednesday, December 23 during lunch. What a relief! At least I can relax that the shopping is complete. Now to get everything wrapped. I hope I didn't forget anyone. We went to dinner with Sterl and Debi Wednesday evening before the storms ramped up. 
Wednesday was Strokers first of five days in a row off of work, so he was pretty relaxed. 
Our traditional Christmas at Moms was Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve). The Dobson's didn't make it for the second year in a row due to sick kids. All the other kids were outside passing football, running around in the yard and eating on the back deck. It was sunny and 78 degrees. The warmest Christmas I can remember. We could have had a Christmas picnic this year. 
The kids all opened gifts right before dark and we finished cleaning the mess around 5:30.
My family came back to Cookeville for a Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. Another of my favorite Christmas activities.

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