
One Day at a Time

  • After church and lunch on Sunday, December 6, we celebrated with my great nephew Braxton at his 5th birthday party. 
  • I went to lunch at Fuji with Kate and Amy on Monday, December 7. Stoker and I went to a funeral visitation of his aunt Jeanette Monday evening. 
  • We attended her funeral on Tuesday, December 8
  • We attended the graveside service of Matt and Michelle's baby on Wednesday, December 9
  • We stayed in on Thursday, December 10 as I prepared a home cooked meal. Chicken, mac-n-cheese and sweet potatoes.
  • I helped decorate for a graduation party Friday, December 11. Amy P.'s husband graduates nursing school this weekend. Stroker and I joined a church group at Nick's for dinner Friday evening. We enjoy our time with our church family.
  • I worked on a few of my Christmas gifts on Saturday, December 12
  • I also went to Sparta, picked up my mom and took her Christmas shopping. She started and finished all in the same day. Wow!

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