

It's slipping away already. I hope to get back in the routine of posting daily, but the first three days of March have kept us busy.
Tuesday, March 1st: Just a few minutes after we got home from dinner, I got a call from Heather Rip. She asked if Stroker could help her move a washer and dryer. He agreed, so we all went to help out. An hour and a half later, we had cleared out an entire storage unit. She didn't actually ask us to help her move it all, but since we were there, we figured we might as well help her get it all done.  I am sooo excited for her. She has  finally purchased her first home.

I am also super excited about Stacia and Delano working on purchasing their first home. 
It was March 2002 that we found our home. Must be something about Spring time weather.

Wednesday, March 2nd: Stroker came home from work and fired up the grill for the first time in 2011. He grilled hamburgers and hot dogs; and we ate them with chips and macaroni salad. Yum-O as Rachel Ray would say.
Today after dinner, the mood finally hit Stroker to go buy him some new jeans (which he really needed). So, we loaded up and headed to the store. After he recovered from "sticker shock", he broke down and got himself four new pair of jeans. While I had him out of the house, I fitted him for a new suit. His old suit was too small when he needed it last week. So, he should be set for the next time he needs one.

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