
Reach for the Moon

  • Tonight's full moon will be a super "perigee moon" -- the biggest in almost 20 years. This celestial event is far rarer than the famed blue moon, which happens once about every two-and-a-half years. The last full moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993.  I wouldn't have even known to look for it, if Heather hadn't mentioned it last night. (Hope she remembered to look.)
  • I tried to walk around the lake a few times this week. Four miles a day is my goal.
  • Brookelynn pretty much deserted us for the most part this week. We met my sister Tuesday night to pick Brookelynn up, only to have her leave us again on Thursday to spend the night with her friend Kelsey. They were all excited about Spaghetti Taco's and playing "Hedbandz", where you stick a card to your forehead and have to guess what it says based on hints from other people.

  • Friday, I took my mom to her doctor appointment and ran lots of errands.
  • I got another four mile walk in on Friday, and Stroker even joined me.
  • Brookelynn called to ask if she could spend one more night at Kelsey's. She threw the "pretty pleases" in and we gave into it.
  • We haven't told her that she missed dinner with ten of us and sitting around outside with the family enjoying the warm weather till 11:30 last night.
  • Today was gorgeous...I went to Chuck Johnson's Nursery and Lowe's and couldn't fight the urge to go ahead and get spring plants. We spent the afternoon placing everything in pots and the window boxes. (Cletus walked over and sat behind the plants when he seen that I had the camera...LOL)
  • I also got the underside of the cornhole boards painted that I started in October. That was one of those "start now...finish later" projects. We might even get to play our first game on them tomorrow.
  • Stroker fired up the grill again this evening. We enjoyed our second round of grilled burgers and hot dogs this spring.
  • I also checked Erin's blog and she has snuck in 2 updates. I was excited to see that she hadn't went on o blog hiatus.

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