
Spring Storms

I spent the entire day with my mom today. I took her to her doctor appointment where she left with a good report, we at lunch together, she sat in the school traffic lines with me to pick up the kids this afternoon and she joined me in running a couple of quick errands. I didn't get her back home till after 4pm this evening. 
Around 7pm, the weather turned quite ugly for Smithville and Sparta. Tornado activity was headed straight down the Smithville Highway (Highway 70) through Sparta. That happens to be right where my brother's house is, my moms house, my other brother lives in a mobile home and where my dad's house is. Oh yeah and my uncle lives in a mobile home in the same neighborhood. I was a little nervous.

According to the news, the worst of the storm hit in Cassville, about four miles west of their neighborhood. We kept a close eye on the news for about 2 hours straight tonight.
In brighter news, Brookelynn brought home her proofs from her spring school photo's. Just beautiful, if I do say so myself.
I asked Devin about his, but he said his didnt turn out good, so he just threw the proof away instead of bringing it home for us to see.
Boys...Uuuuggghhhh...a mind of their own.

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