
Springing Forward

We got a lot of "to do" list items checked off this past weekend since the weather was so nice. We got the shed cleaned up (again). It seems to be our "catch all", so every chance we get, we have to get out there and straighten it up. We got the leaves cleaned out from around the house and shrubs. Brookelynn even volunteered to vaccuum my car, so she was treated to frozen yogurt. Actually, the whole family was treated to frozen yogurt. Yesterday, Brookelynn and I took a four mile walk at the park to kick off daylight savings time.
Today the weather became gloomy and the forcast called for rain. So, instead of visiting the zoo like I had sort of been planning, we opted for an adventure with a roof over our heads. Cumberland Caverns was our destination. The kids really enjoyed experiance. I guess we will have to take a "rain check" on the zoo trip.
The mouth of Cumberland Caverns
We explored down inside this creepy structure
Devin & Brooke in front of the never ending water fountain
Headed back to the car

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