

We had got Brookelynn a big 2.5' x 4' dry erase board for Valentines's Day because she loves to play "teacher". This morning, when I walked in the family room, I found this note on the couch that she left for her daddy at bedtime last night.
Stroker has nicknamed her "Flouise" (Flu eez).
From fever, headache, cough and congestion all the way to ear and stomach aches. This flu has really taken it's toll on her. Today there were signs of improvement. She is eating a bit better and even asked for frozen yogurt. Maybe another day or two will get her back to normal. I am feeling better too. My lungs a little sore from all the coughing and sneezing, but at least the mucus is drying up.
Tonight, Brookelynn and I are going to bed early again to get more rest. The guys are at the Tech ballgame where they are planning another blizzard like the one earlier this week.
Devin wants us all to go to the Tech game Saturday night because it is "Pack the House" night. And, if you wear pink, you get in for $1. Hopefully Brookleynn and I will be up for it by then.

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