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I had a slight computer mishap a few days ago, but that has been cleared up. I can now catch you up on the "Hayes House Happenings". 

The good news is that my nasal and chest congestion are gone...

Monday night, Brookelynn and I assembled a storage cabinet while Stoker and Devin went to watch a basketball game at TTU.

I meant to cook dinner at home more this week, but have not followed through with the idea very well. So far, Tuesday night was the only night I cooked at home. Nothing extravagant, just spaghetti;however, it was nice to sit around the table at home with family. Brookelynn was excited, so she sat the table and we lit a candle.

I got a new cable modem for the computer this week. I'm soaring through the Internet now :)

Stroker developed an addiction to McDonald's coffee last week. McDonald's has a promotion going on for a free cup of coffee everyday till Valentine's Day.
Stroker has already admitted that he has a problem, which is the first step to recovery. He has spent the last two days in detox to try to kick the coffee habit.
We ordered Justin Bieber "Never Say Never" tickets last night from Fandango for this Saturday at 4pm.
 Today, I took mom to another doctor appointment. The doctor seems to think mom just has a bit of acid reflux, so she wrote her a prescription.

My plan was to cook at home again tonight, but I got lazy at the last minute and decided Chili's sounded better.

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