
New Stuff

9 miles of vendor booths is what we walked over the next few of days.
 Isle after isle of cool foods, games, toys, rides, costumes and anything else you can imagine.
I could not believe that neither Brooke, nor Alyssa knew who this was.
I purchased a back massager at one point.
We bought all sorts of things while we were there. A new combo bounce house, a dunking booth, some patch tape that a guy in Australia invented, a balance board, an extra 1 HP fan and so on.
Good thing we brought the truck. 
I cant wait to get out the new bounce house next spring. 
We had dinner one night at Texas de Brazil which I highly recommend. 
dessert was great too.
The ride home was long and full of delays, but we finally made it. Thanking God for safe travels. Now...I need to rest.
The first thing we had to do when we got home was put our freshly painted bedroom back together. 

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