

My baby girl turns 14 today...even though I’m not ready for it.
The cutest freckles in the world are across that nose, but they are concealed by make-up. Her bright smile is now outlined in lipstick. And her happy, bright eyes….framed in mascara.  These teenage years are bitter sweet. Time Slow Down.

I gave Brooke the option of a celebration or 14 days of gifts leading up to her 14th birthday. She chose the gifts. As the birthday grew closer, our 14 days somehow morphed into gifts and a celebration.  Next year, there will be no options.

Here was our breakdown.
14 Days of Brookelynn

Day One:     October 23 –     Ivory Ella shirt                                                                 $  35 

Day Two:   October 24 –   Two pair of sunglasses from Tina and Tae’s                      $  11
Day three:   October 25 –     Netflix                                                                               $  10

Day Four:   October 26 -    $15 iTunes card and Home button dots for iPhone.           $  20

Day Five:     October 27 –    make-up brushes                                                               $  25
Day Six:      October 28 –      Two pair of Jeans                                                            $  45
Day Seven:    October 29 –      Hair Products                                                                 $ 25
Day Eight:    October 30 –      Chrome-cast                                                                    $ 40
We named our Chrome cast "Big Tussie"

Day Nine:       October 31 -       Airbrush Tattoos and Katey Perry false eyelashes       $   5

Day Ten:         November 1 –   Nicole Miller Duffel Bag                                               $ 40
Day Eleven:     November 2 –   Manicure                                                                       $ 25

Day Twelve:    November 3 –   Pedicure                                                                         $ 25

Day Thirteen: November 4 –   Nugz Bracelet                                                                 $ 42

Day Fourteen:   November 5 -    Victoria Secret Lounge Pants, Shirt and 5 panties      $ 91
Sky High Trampoline park                                                                                              $ 60
Dinner at Hooters                                                                                                            $  98
Opryland Hotel                                                                                                                $216
Drinks at the hotel                                                                                                           $  13
Breakfast on the Way home                                                                                            $  24

Turning 14 has been crazy and a tad ridiculous.  I know what I want for my birthday this year.

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