
Our Netflix Addiction

I had a hair appointment on Sunday, January 15, 2017, but it wasn't until late evening. 
We started the day at church and then had lunch at Outback. It was 70° outside so we kinda wanted to ride around for a while. We went and looked at an open house that a lady from church was having.  I have always liked open houses and Brooke takes after me. She loves them too.

I visited both mom and dad for a while on Monday, January 16, 2017.  I had a doctor appointment for a check up that day too.  We had the same 'ol talk about health and exercise.  I didn't mention the addiction that I have recently established with Netflix series.

I decided to make Philly Cheese-steak sandwiches at home for the first time. I thought they were pretty good, but I don't think anybody else cared too much for them.
While we ate, we watched more of One Tree Hill.
There are just too many seasons of this show...and they suck you into every single one.
We went to bed wanting to start another episode, but it was so late already, that we knew we needed to wait until Tuesday to sit through another 44 minutes.  
So, on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, I made Taco Salad for dinner... 
and we ate dinner on the couch.... and watched more episodes. 
I have been in front of the TV for a couple of weeks now. 
I should probably hide myself in shame.
Moving on to some productivity....
I sold my desk on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.  
Brooke has been wanting hers out of her room, so I plan to use it for a while.  
She plans to get a make up vanity instead. Probably because she does more make up than homework.
She has been helping with the youth at church on Wednesday nights here lately.
 I'm proud of her for that.  
We went to El Tapatio and had dinner before heading to church.
 I don't want those kids to see her when she is Hangry.

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