Friday, December 2, 2016 meant that there were only three weekends left to get Christmas together.
I couldn't bare the thought of fighting crowds and scrambling for gifts, so we went to dinner instead.
We wound up back at O'Charley's for the second time in two days, but that's okay. O'Charley's is making a comeback on our list of restaurants that we prefer. This visit, we met Sterl and Debi there.
Brooke had Mary and Treasure over for a sleepover. She had me to go pick up some flannel pj's to wear.
We spent most of
Saturday, December 3, 2016 hanging around the house mostly. Brooke was tired from sitting up late with her friends so she she took a nap later on in the evening. Stroker and I went and I had to make a trip to Algood, so we watched the Algood Christmas parade while we were there..
After church on Sunday, December 4, 2016 we went to lunch at Outback with some friends from church. I was tired, so I went home for a nap before heading to Belmont for the K-Love Christmas Concert. Heather went with me (and drove). We made a quick stop at Target on the way. I can always find something to buy at Target. 😁
I really wanted to go to hear Mac Powell {Third Day}.
He is one of my favorites.
Stroker went to a meeting at church where he was voted in to be a trustee. ⛪
After I got Brooke to school on Monday, December 5, 2016, I drove around to all of the BoPC branches and got stamps in my "passport" book so that I could turn it in for a contest. I got done just in time to get to Sparta, pick up mom and get her to her doctor appointment. I picked up lunch for her before taking her back home. I had to get back to Cookeville by 3:30 to pick up Brooke from school, so it was a hectic day.
We gave Logan's a shot for dinner on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. That restaurant has really declined on our "places to eat" list. hOur dinner Tuesday was okay, but I just don't feel like it is sanitary in there. Especially after our three "sightings".
We serviced a Christmas party on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 and had a fellowship meal at church Wednesday evening. I made macaroni and cheese and another dish. I could have cooked a ham because daddy had stopped by earlier in the day and brought us a ham and a pack of buns.
That's just how daddy plays Santa.
Paula K. came to see me on Thursday, December 8 and brought me a gift certificate to Cracker Barrel. She sure knows what I like. I'm saving it for Wednesday nights though.
We went shopping at Sam's and had dinner at Steak-n-Shake that night.
By Friday, December 9, 2016 winter made an appearance. The temperature plummeted to the teens.
Stroker, Brooke, Deb, Sterl and I drove to Doyle to see the live nativity. It was a walk through nativity scene. In the time it took us to make a lap, we were shivering. I'm not sure how those people made it standing out there for almost three hours.
While in Sparta, we ate at Casa Luna for dinner. On our way back to Cookeville, we detoured to seem some Christmas lights.
The Women of Faith Christmas Brunch was held on Satruday, December 10, 2016.
I didn't plan on participating in the cookie swap, but I wound up bringing cookies home.
I took a nap because I am getting used to those lately. 💤
We also laid on the couch and watched Christmas movies. After dark, we went to El Tapatio for dinner and drove through the live nativity at Cookeville First Church.
We got up Sunday, morning, December 11, 2016 and headed to church. Afterwords, we had lunch at Olive Garden. The Christmas parade was held at 3:00 and we watched from our usual spot.
I took mom some dinner on Monday, December 12, 2016 and visited her for a while.
I also went to the store and done some shopping for her since she can't get out very easily these days.
On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 I woke up very weak and trembly. I almost passed out in the shower, but made it back to the bed to lie down for a minute. I hate when these spells happen. I have got to get this P.C.O.S. under control. The worst thing about being insulin resistant is that the symptoms sneak up on you and attack without warning.
Why can't my body just use food for energy instead of just storing fat? I wish there were a cure to just turn this off.

It was around noon before I started to feel somewhat better and my headache began to subside.
I made sure to only eat protein the entire day.
I made sure to consciously choose protein foods for Wednesday, December 14th too. I cooked a roast at home for dinner, so we didn't even go to Cracker Barrel after church.
It was nice to have a home cooked meal too. I really need to take my condition into consideration more when deciding what to eat.
Brookelynn had dinner and fell asleep on the couch. Her problem is that she stays up to late socializing. That's another thing I can't handle anymore {late nights}