
Thankful Too

Our second Thanksgiving was at Mildreds. She and Nan had been in the kitchen for a day and a half preparing enough food for the salvation army. By that evening, we all felt like stuffed Turkeys.

On Friday, November 25, 2016, we rested. All day, we rested...and ate leftovers. 
We got good news that Phyllis was coming home from the hospital Friday too.
On Saturday, November 26, 2016, we went back to Mildreds for dinner. She had cooked for Travis' birthday.  The rest of the day, we just lounged around.
Sunday, November 27, 2016 was church, lunch at Chili's, a visit at moms and then a visit at dad and Phyllis's.  Our way back home, we stopped in to visit brand new Hollyn. She was born while we were in Florida last week, but this was our first chance to visit.

I laid around the house all day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
They have began construction on the 15 new town houses on Stevens Street. Not sure why they have to lay down bedrock before they start building.
We got up and went to church on Wednesday evening, November 30, 2016 and had dinner at Cracker Barrel afterwords. 
Hard to believe tomorrow is December 1st. 
We sure are Thankful for all these days of rest. Rest is scarce around the Hayes House

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