Stroker went to the churches "mens meeting" at Golden Corral for dinner. I had dinner with my little momma.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 was the dreaded election day. All this Dem vs Rep; Conservative vs Liberal junk has everybody confused. Stop voting on labels and start voting on qualifications. I agree and disagree with certain beliefs in both parties, so I guess that makes me a Republicrat.
- a person whose political philosophy is a blend of policies and principles from both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Most people are determined for a republican to be in the White House because we want change. The only problem is that two Democrats were the candidates. Am I the only person that has seen
THIS interview where Trump states that he identifies as a democrat? If I wear a label that says "skinny", will people see me 50 lbs lighter? Just wondering.
In the midst of Making America Great Again, we have condoned these types of actions and our youth feels that it is okay to treat others this way. Sadness.
{climbing off my soapbox} Went to church....and prayed.
Oh... one thing I didn't expect on Wednesday...stocks rose.
{Moving on}
I savored the goodness of my brocoli and cheddar soup in my bread bowl at Panera on Thursday, November 10, 2016.
It was sooo good, I could have eaten 2 of them. Unfortunately, we had to get back on the road and head on into Nashville, so one was my limit. We arrived at CHRISTMAS VILLAGE around 5pm. We had to park kind of far off because the place was already packed when we got there. It took us around 3.5 hours to journey through all of the buildings, but we finally got through every booth.
I cannot get over how quickly 2016 came and went. Here I am Christmas shopping...and I feel like it should still be Springtime. I sure am not up for all these Christmas shopping crowds.
We went to Gainesboro Friday evening, November 11, 2016 and then we went to dinner at Longhorns. They actually cooked the steak thorough enough for Stroker. That's a big deal.
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