
Christmas...On a Sunday

Christmas fell on Sunday this year and surprisingly enough, some people could not make it to church that day because it interfered with Christmas.
Uummm...Excuse me?  You don't have time to worship Christ...on Christmas?!
We got up, got dressed and headed out the door before ever tearing an inch of wrapping paper.  
We had communion again at church, we sang Christmas songs and a group from the church sang "Children Go Where I Send Thee".  
How awesome is it to celebrate Christ and Christmas on His day of the week.
After church, we came back home, assembled in the living room and passed out gifts. 

Around 12:30, we loaded up the car and headed to my mother-in-laws.
We had Christmas lunch there and lounged around for a few hours.
We were back home by 4 pm resting on our own couch.
What a peaceful feeling. Happy birthday Jesus.

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