
Have Yourself a Mediocre Christmas

Still in denial, I got up Christmas Eve morning faced the day that should not be here already.
I got the stove turned on
I baked a spiral ham in the crock pot, I made potato salad, mashed potatoes, green beans, mac-n-cheese, corn and rolls. It's going to be a starchy Christmas 😋
While I was cooking, my nephew (in law) called and asked if we were having Christmas at MaMaw's.  I told him that I was taking dinner at 3pm, but there was no set time for everybody to be there. I figured people could just go by whenever it fit into their schedules. He told me that he thought Christmas at MaMaw's was cancelled.  I'm not sure why he would think that. For 41 year, we have visited mom's house on Christmas Eve, it's tradition.  I (for one) am not breaking my traditions until the inevitable happens.
Stacia had text last week and asked about moms and Darlene text earlier this week and asked. I just figured it was becoming too intrusive of every bodies holidays to set schedules and request menu items from family. The one time that I decide to just "play it by ear",  people begin to think Christmas is cancelled. Nope..head on over...we will see you there.
Turns out, the whole family (except Tiffany and her family) came for Christmas Eve dinner. The only downfall was that several got upset and left before dinner was served. 😲
Everybody's word vomit claimed another holiday.   🙊  Typical.
If it was not for dysfunction, we just wouldn't function at all.
One grandchild (Brooke)  and nine great grandchildren opened their gifts from MaMaw as she sat in her chair and watched.  I wish Madison and Braeden could have stayed long enough to open their gifts, but mom can give theirs to them later this weekend.
When we got back to Cookeville, we headed to church for a candlelight service.  We had communion and sang Christmas songs.  It is one of my favorite services of the year.  We finally got to head home and rest around 7:15 pm.
Christmas Eve 2016 had already came and went.

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