
Sickness Strikes Stroker

I knew it would happen, it was inevitable.  The hubs caught the croup. He started feeling  bad yesterday, but hung in there with us for the circus adventure. Who knows, he might have caught some additional germs at the circus. Anywho, As of Saturday, January 24, he is "down for the count".  He is hacking and coughing his self to death.
We stayed home all day Saturday. We took naps, I cooked dinner...and not just some easy peasy dinner. I peeled potatos, made a meatloaf...I put in time and effort on this meal.
Fast forward to Monday, January 26, we got a few snow flakes. We  don't see many of those here in Tennessee these days. When there are a few flying around, the whole state stops and puts our noses to the window to watch in anticipation that a few will stick to the ground. Never seems to work out though.
Tuesday, January 27, I had to have blood work done first thing. Why is it that breakfast always sounds delicious when your fasting?
Stroker had to work late on Wednesday, January 28, so instead of waiting around on him to get home, I went shopping. When he got off work, we went for a dinner for two before picking up Brooke and Morgan at church.  Morgan came home with Brooke for a sleepover.
Thursday the 29th was almost a repeat. Stroker worked late again, followed by just the two of us at Logan's for dinner. Brooke went home with Devin from school for a sleepover.

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