
Medicate Me

After church on Sunday, January 18, I decided to go visit mom for a while. I was perfectly healthy when I got there. Sometime during the visit, sneezing and runny nose set in. Not long after that, my throat started getting irritated. Initially, I thought my allergies were disturbed but after and hour or so, I knew I was getting sick. I could feel the pressure in my head and the exhaustion over my body.
Although I was feeling pretty puny, I wanted to spend some time with daddy too. He gave me some Coricidin HBP to help with the congestion. He also gave me a bottle of his "special recipe". That ought to cut the cold out of anything.
By the time I got back home that evening...I was full blown sick. I spent Monday, January 19,  laying around the house. I sneezed, sniffled and coughed all day long.
Tuesday, January 20 was the worst. I had so much pressure in my head from all the congestion, my eyes were bloodshot and watering all day. Everybody thought I had been crying. Pure misery. I don't know how I made it through the day without coming home and going back to bed, but I did.
By Wednesday, January 21, I knew the best thing for me was to spend the day in bed just as I did Monday.
By Friday, January 23, I was well enough to follow through with our Circus plans that we had made. we headed to Nashville right after school, with only one pit-stop at Red Robin for dinner. Although Brooke is older than Devin was when we took him on his Circus adventure, we all still had a great time and enjoyed the funnel cake. At least there was a fun ending to this week of misery.

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