

I know I am going to miss this one of these days. 

For now, cheerleading seems to consume Brookelynn. Mondays and Thursdays are game days and practice days. Tuesdays involve 2 hours of Power Athletic's stunt training and the occasional Wednesday has practice. It seems to be a full time gig.  In the beginning, Brookelynn's coach wanted her to be a "flyer", the one that gets tossed in the air. Brooke was in tears from fear. It was such a relief when the coach changed her to being a "base" spotter.  I sat back and watched these girls practice tonight for a while. From their performance, it's hard to believe these are middle school girls. I know that one day I will blink and she will be graduating high school just like Devin is this year. Don't get me wrong - I don't want to stop the world from turning, but sometime I wish that I could just hit the pause button for a while.
After practice today, Brookelynn and I went by JC Penney's and picked up a few items before heading home. Winter is upon us and you can feel it in the air that Christmas is close by.

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