
Christmas at Dad's

We had Christmas Communion at church on Sunday, December 22, and it is one of my favorite things. I remember the first time that we had communion at church, Devin asked me if we had just eat a piece of cardboard after swallowing. He also asked if it was OK to drink the wine. I told him "yes,  it is just grape juice".
I am so glad that I finally got my children in church. I regret not having them there from day one. I regret that I was not there from day one. Mom took me to church as a child and I went to church some with my friends in my teenage years, but I needed to be there every Sunday. Thank goodness that we finally found our way. The devil is constantly at my feet and it's a struggle to keep him under them.
We went to my dads Sunday after church. We had out traditional Christmas gathering there. Stacia and Delano didn't make it because they had plans to be somewhere else at the same time, so I didn't get to giggle and Jett, Dash and Grey that day. The rest of us spent a couple of hours together.

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