
Christmas Eve 2013

Brookelynn had a hair appointment Monday to get her hair straightened. It's not often that we do that, but oh well...it's the holidays.
We celebrated Christmas at moms on Tuesday, December 24...Christmas Eve.
We all arrived around 3 pm and munched around on finger foods while the kids constantly asked when they get to open their gifts. By 4:30 we passed all the gifts out and by 4:32 they were all opened. The crowd started dying down soon after.
One day these kids will look back and wish they could spend more time at MaMa's. They will wish that we could have more gatherings and time together. Kaitlin didn't even stay around to watch the kids open gifts this year. Someday, she will realize the valuable time that she lost.  And that's the old lady inside of me speaking so I'm going to just move right along with the photos.

We attended a candlelight service at church at 6:30 (another one of my favorite things).

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