By Friday, December 27th, Brooke was asking to go to sleepovers again. She spent the night with Treasure so that they could exchange gifts and hang out. I cooked at home for a change.
We woke up Saturday morning, December 28, to the sound of someone pecking on the front door. By the time we got up and got our eyes focused, we seen daddy and Phyllis pulling away. I called him and told them to come back so they spent about an hour visiting with us. Uuugghh...of all the days to sleep in. I didn't want daddy to think I was still sleeping teenage hours.
I got a call from Brooke Saturday asking if Treasure could spend the night at our house. So, they came home from Treasure's and had a sleepover at our's. The girls were wanting Zaxby wings so I got a party platter of 40 for dinner and we all cleaned them up.
Sunday, December 29th was church service and back home so that Stroker could prep for his big test tomorrow. He laughed at the instructions because the information packet stated "stay close to toilet facilities".
He whined most of the day as he insisted that he was going to cancel and this whole thing was stupid, but he somehow made it through the day.
Or maybe I just couldn't hear him whining once the Metamucil went into effect.
Monday morning, December 30, we were up by 5:30 heading over for the test. Today should be the easy part. I could tell Stroker was nervous about the IV but we got through that too. When they wheeled him back to the holding room after the test, he was full of giggles. He could not stop laughing for over ten minutes. The nurse told me that the medicine can make you giggly and boy was she right.
I took him straight to Cracker Barrel when we left the hospital at 8:30 and he cleaned his plate. We spent the rest of the day at home and I took down Christmas decorations. He constantly reminded me that he was not supposed to drive for twenty four hours. I think he was afraid that I would want to load up and take a trip or something.
On Tuesday, December 31st, we spent another day at home. Stroker got out of the bed cranky and by midday neither of us were speaking. It was peaceful after that. I've come to realize that part of a happy marriage is enjoying the silent treatment. I get tickled at the stupid stuff that gets arguments started in marriages. It doesn't bother me that we fuss because that is part of the beauty of bonding in holy matrimony. Today went wrong when I said "I'm running out to the bank, do you want me to pick you up something to eat while I am out?" He replied "where are you going?" I said "anywhere you want". His final statement was "I Don't Know Where You Are Going".
Never mind.
Anywho...Here is to winding down 2013 quietly.
Happy New Year.