
Feasting, Teeth Extractions and Birthday Parties

Morning came early on Sunday, November 17, we had church at 10am followed by lunch at El Tapatio with Debi and Sterl. Afterwords, I came home and got busy cooking for our church's Feast of Thanksgiving dinner that night. I made homemade macaroni and cheese, squash casserole and a cheese danish. The dinner started at 5pm. Darlene and Gary came over to join us. I think the number was 140+ that we fed that night. I stayed in the kitchen to help serve. The only downfall of that was the squash casserole was all gone by the time that I got a chance to eat. That is okay though. I plan to make more next week at Thanksgiving.

On Monday, November 18, I drug out all the Christmas decorations only to find that my most favorite wreath ever was smashed. Stroker decided to store it between the rafters in the attic. Needless to say, I was heart broken. I keep telling myself that I need to get over it, but I am struggling. By the time that I got out all of the decorations and floofed and floofed my wreath, there was no time to set anything out. It was almost bedtime. Here is a picture of it from last year when it was all fluffy and new.  I'm not even going to show you how it looks today.
Tuesday, November 19, I got this crazy ideas to make eggrolls with taco meat inside. There are two things wrong with that idea. One: I have never cooked eggrolls. Two: taco's are a totally different cuisine than eggrolls. It was like mixing Japan with Mexico. Anyway, I made them and my family actually thought they were great. To me, it was not the taste that I was aiming for.  By the time I washed all the dishes and cleaned the film of grease off everything from frying the eggrolls, another evening was behind us.

We went to Zaxby's before heading to church on Wednesday, November 20. The food was good and there was no clean up. My kind of meal. We picked up our tables at church while we were there from where we had them out for Feast of Thanksgiving. Can't believe that this time next week I will cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Where has November gone?

Brookelynn had a ballgame at Prescott South Middle School on Thursday evening, November 21. I got in a nap before time to pick her up. I'm already worn down and the holidays are not even in full swing yet.

I went to check Brookelynn out of school at 9:45 on Friday, November 22. She had no idea why I was there. Maybe I am a mean parent for keeping it a secret, but I just didn't want her to worry about getting four bicuspids pulled today. Her appointment was at 10:40, so we went for a good meal at Cracker Barrel before heading to the dentist. She was a little upset with me to say the least. She done a great job of being brave. Dr. Bryant got all four out without any hiccups.

Jett's birthday party was on Saturday, November 23. He had a Dispicable Me 2 party. I can't believe he is celebrating 6 years old already.

Stroker got the idea that he was still young and had to pull off a Rim Hanger. He will be hurting this evening.

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