
Beyond Thankful

Thanksgiving was the typical rush around and gorge yourself Thanksgiving that it has always been. 
Don't get the wrong impression. I Love every detail of the holiday. 
I love waking up thankful to be here another year. 
I am thankful for having family to go visit. 
I am thankful for having more family to go visit. 
I am grateful for my very own little Hayes crew. 
The list is endless.  
This year I am especially thankful that our heat was working Thanksgiving morning. 
Especially since it was 16 degrees when we woke up.
The furnace had starting acting up the day before. Every time it reached the set temperature in the house, it would turn off and wouldn't kick back on until we turned it on manually.  For a while there I thought we were going to be out another big expense to the repair man.  Stroker (bless his heart) got out there on that cold morning and blew on hoses and tapped on metal pieces until it straightened itself back out. 
God is good to us. I am thankful everyday for his mercy and grace. Sometimes I just can't believe how he has blessed me with the perfect people that I need in my life.
There are so many things to be thankful for these days.  Sometimes I look around and wonder why God keeps lavishly pouring out on our family.  It definitely doesn’t go unnoticed.  And we definitely don’t deserve it.

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