
Anniversary Puppy

We began the first day of June with traveling the Upper Cumberland. We were from Gainesboro to Spencer. The evening brought in showers and threatened us with storms.
Sunday (June 2) was our 10th anniversary. We kept it pretty simple.  After church, we went to lunch at Applebee’s with our church family.  Brookelynn was determined to spend the entire day with us, so she stayed right by our side. We looked at a few open houses and made a trip to Livingston later that evening.

Stroker went to join the men’s group from church for dinner at Golden Corral while the kids and I went to dinner with mom on Monday (June 3).  Brookelynn had mom to go inside Wal-Mart with her while she shopped for ingredients for our anniversary dinner that she planned to prepare for us this week. She spend $32 on items for this meal. It will be interesting to see what we are served.

After getting into bed Monday night, we were awakened suddenly by Devin flipping the overhead light on in our face. “Someone is outside!” he said. “Turn the light off..turn it off” we replied. Stroker got up and went out front to see if anyone was there. He said no one was there. Meanwhile, I opened the back door and seen Cletus on the step. As I bent down to pet him, a cute little puppy appeared from around the corner.

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