

Today was the first day of Cheer Camp and boy was it a disappointment for Brookelynn. When I picked her up, she was visibly upset. The new cheer coach decided to make Brookelynn a flyer. If you don't know what a flyer does in cheerleading, they are the ones that gets tossed in the air during the stunts. Brookelynn was so upset that she has to put her safety in the hands of girls that she just met. I called the coach to see if there was any way she could swap positions. I know, I know...I should let her work this out on her own. But hey, I'm mom and it is my duty to protect my babies. I think once Brookelynn gets to know the other girls and builds trust in them, flying will not be so scary; however, until that day comes, she would rather be closer to the ground.
Brookelynn is back row 2nd from the right
Brookelynn is front row third from the left

Our electrical work was completed today. We can now move on to sheet rock in the closet.

Sterl, our pastor, paid us a visit today as well. He came by to invite us to become official members of our church.

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