
From the Orthodontist to the Attic

Both Devin and Brookelynn had appointments at the orthodontist Friday. Devin had a check up just to see if his teeth had shifted any since his braces were removed a couple of years ago. Dr. Wheeler.
Brookelynn was there for her first evaluation. They took x-rays and consulted with us on pricing and procedures. Brookelynn was okay with everything except the idea of having four teeth pulled.

 We spent Friday evening playing with the dogs in the yard. Cletus is still upset about the new dog. It’s gonna take a little longer than we expected for him to get used to Kimba. Stroker took them both for a ride in the back of the truck. It was Kimba’s first ride in the truck.
Saturday, I felt like Willie Nelson because we were “on the road again”. We went to Whitleyville, Baxter, Livingston and Clarkrange.
It was my turn to help serve breakfast at church on Sunday. I took my usual. Cheese Danish and chocolate milk. The day turned out to be a rainy, stormy one, so I thought it was a good opportunity to get our attic door fixed. I text my brother and asked if he was available to come over to help. About three hours later, we had a brand new attic door installed. I am glad to have that fixed. We lost another limb out of the side yard tree today. I think it is going to fall one limb at a time.

We went to Cheddars for dinner Sunday night.

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