
Home Sweet Home

On Monday, Stroker took on the task of driving us all back home. We arrived back around 6 pm. Worn out and sun burnt, we managed to unpack the car and start laundry. I don’t know what got into Stroker, but he tore into mowing the lawn when we got home.
We all spent Tuesday sleeping in and lounging around the house. We had a good time at the beach, but the traveling had caught up with us.
Wednesday, we were still tired, but had to get back to our normal routines. After church Wednesday evening, we joined Debi, Sterl, Lee and Judy for dinner at IHOP. Sterl was in shock that Devin showed up to join us.

Brookelynn vacuumed out my car for me today. I had to go back to visit Dr. Boston because my crown has been driving me crazy since the day that he put it in. Turns out that I am stuck with it. Dr. Boston wanted to re-drill the tooth behind the crown and fill in the gap with filling rather than ordering a new crown that fits properly.  Him drilling on my teeth is what started this entire ordeal. No thank you Dr. Boston, you will not be drilling my teeth anymore.

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