
What a Pain In the Neck

Wednesday, I decided to just give up and visit the allergist. 5 prescriptions later, I was breathing a bit easier. I managed to sleep through Wednesday night without waking up with a sneezing attack; however Thursday I developed neck and shoulder pain that drove me crazy all day. By 4pm, I decided to visit a massage therapist who just about finished me off. "Thumbs of Steel" is her nickname and I will never get another massage from her for as long as I live.  Not to mention that she talked the ENTIRE time. So much for relaxation. Several times she mentioned that my muscles felt tense. I was thinking "what do you expect? I feel like ground chuck and you won't hush".
This morning I woke up feeling a bit better, but as soon as I got up moving around, the pain started back up (along with soreness). I resorted to 'ol faithful Ben Gay and it has helped a little. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Brookelynn went home with a friend after school (that little loafer). She is the total opposite of Devin. She is either with someone or has someone with her every weekend these days.
We told Devin that he could pick the dinner location tonight since his birthday is so close. Of every restaurant in Cookeville, he chose Bellacino's. He also decided to have a friend come to our house so they could sit up and play video games all night.

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