
Manic Monday

Monday was a bad day for me. There is no other way to put it.
  • I woke up with a headache.
  • Brookelynn got out food and wasted it all day.
  • Grease ran off my meatloaf into the bottom of the oven and about smoked us out of the house. At least there was no fire.
  • I had to turn off the oven, let it cool, clean the oven and then finish cooking.
  • Stroker put the faucet back together backwards Sunday night, so every time I went to turn it on or off yesterday, I twisted it the wrong way.
  • My computer decided to stop recognising the mouse and keyboard for most of the day. I have one question for Microsoft...
How am I suppose to click "install now" when uploading the mouse software? 
Hello !?
If the mouse already worked, I would not be installing the software... DUH!
  • I also spent forty-five minutes on the phone with Epson Monday trying to understand what they were saying...unsuccessfully.
  • Oh...and Devin finally ran across the news of the cruise ship that sank Friday night. He still declares that he is not going. Friday's catastrophe only makes him worse. I hoped that he wouldn't find out about it.
We watched a news report about it Monday on MSN.com... The report was followed by a Disney Cruise Line advertisement. How ironic.
The only good thing about Monday was that our new shower head is working out nicely. It's for the new master bathroom when it is done, but we decided to try it out in the main bath for now.

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