
Room for one more

Sunday was an awesome day. Not only because we spent the afternoon at my moms with my sister, and my brothers, not only because we spent the afternoon talking, laughing and spending quality family time together, but because Sunday morning my nephew rededicated his life to Jesus. What comforting news this was to hear. There are still so many others who I pray will find their way to the Lord too.
Words cannot express the feeling I have had in my heart since both my children were saved a few weeks ago. A feeling of wholeness has swept over me. I have always been a believer in God. I have always loved God, acknowledged God and prayed to God, and in 1999 I gave my life to Him. In the year 2000, Stroker made the decision to be born again. Something within me has grown noticably closer to God since my children were saved.  I find tremendous comfort in knowing that I along with my husband and my children will spend eternity together with Jesus.
I hope I see you there. There is always room for one more.

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