
The Thursday Thaw

After the snow miser paid us a visit Sunday and Monday, we spent the last few days on defrost. Rain and a 37 degree heatwave came through last night & this morning to rinse the earth clean. This came just in time to create a 2 hour late school day and now the kids are on a two week Christmas break.
Brookelynn went to school and took part in her class Christmas party.  Since it was a "breakfast" Christmas party, we stopped by Chic-fil-a for a party tray of chicken minis. For those of you who have not experienced a chicken mini from Chic-fil-a, you need to make a point to stop by and try them. You will not be disappointed.
Anywho, Brookelynn's party was fun and the chicken minis were a hit.

If you have less than 2 minutes to spare, you can check out the party video HERE.

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