
Christmas at Moms

Our Christmas Eve tradition is to get together with family at moms house. Today, just before the sun went down, guess who knocked on the door?
 He had a talk with baby Braxton first
 He told Brookelynn that she was on the nice list.
 Devin was a little unsure what Santa was going to say to him.
 Katelyn felt pretty confident that she was on the nice list.
 The Goodwin Family
 The Hayes Family
 The Burks Family
 The Dobson Family
 The Drouillard's minus the kiddos
 Nana (Darlene) and her grand kids
After Santa left to get started on his deliveries, the kids tore into the gifts

The best gift is getting all the family together. This is becoming more and more of a rare occurrence as the years go by.

Taking time for hugs.

After 4 hours of  giggling, eating, squealing and ripping paper... everyone was pretty much worn out.


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