
Christmas Eve Eve

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so does that make today Christmas Eve Eve?
Last night, Brookelynn's cousin Libby came over for a sleep over. Those girls sat up till 1am watching Disney Channel.
Today was a productive day considering driving through town was as slow as molasses. Brooke & I made it to Sears, JC Penney, Wal-Mart & the cable office. I also got 4 loads of laundry done at home. Not to mention the floors and the bathroom tub are now clean. Christmas R& I come!.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Yesterday, I picked up our Santa hats at Sonic that I had ordered from the car hop.
They are crochet.
 Tonight we made a trip to the Mt. Juliet Target to take back the original gift that I had ordered for Daddy this Christmas (a weather radio). It arrived today...just a couple of days late (since we already had Christmas at dads).
I wound up getting him one of those stick family window decals for his truck. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I think about 99% of the population has them on their back window these days.
If our family had one, it would probably look something like this...
That's all for now, the dryer buzzer just went off...time to fold.

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