
Record Breaker

This weekend has been THE wettest weekend on record for middle Tennessee. Nothing but rain and thunderstorms for 2 days straight. Even the interstate flooded and left thousands stranded in Nashville. Areas flooded that had never flooded in the past. Houses floated away, lives were lost, and a state of emergency was issued. Nashville was hit the hardest, we were lucky to have some of the rainfall let up before it made it to us. I bet 99% of those people do not have flood insurance to recoup some of their losses. I feel so terrible for all of those who's lives will be changed forever from this natural disaster. My heart goes out to all of them.
On a much lighter note, Libby turned 6 years old on Saturday. She celebrated with a Hello Kitty party at Bowling World. Everyone had a great time and eleven of us met up for dinner at Chili's afterwords (Libby's Choice).

Today was dinner at Mildred's as we all watched the non stop coverage on the flooding situation.

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