
Just the Two of Us

Stroker and I had a great day together on Saturday, January 16. We drove through Carthage and Gordansville. We went to see the dam and drove through the park. We quietly sat at some "overlook" and just took in the view. We of course had lunch at a random "mom & pop" restaurant. 
We had a fun day, and we should definitely hit the back roads more often.

Carthage TN
 Banana Chimichaunga

 Scenic overlook of Cordel Hull Lake

 Us...enjoying the drive.

I worked the sound booth at church on Sunday, January 17. After church, Devin and I went to visit daddy for a while and visited with mom.
Monday, January, 18 was Martin Luther King Jr. day, so Brooke had the day off school. Brooke, her friend Morgan and I spent the day shopping in Lebanon and Mt. Juliet.  Honda finally finished fixing my car, so I got it picked up Monday too.
By Wednesday, January 20, we had snow falling....and eventually turned back into rain...and then froze on the roads.
I drove Devin to work on Thursday, January 21 because the roads looked like ice.  By 5:45 pm, I had to go to bed. 

By Friday, January 21, we had 7" inches of snow. Enough snow that All State offices were closed. Yay!

 Time to break out my "Fresh Sparkling Snow" candle from B&B

The roads were so deep in snow on Saturday, January 23, that they shut down FedEx.
We heard no complaints from Devin. He stayed inside where it's warm.
 The rest of us enjoyed our snow day out in the cold.

 Even Kimba wanted a snow day selfie.

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