So, I spent the first day of 2016 doing what I love most...organizing. I've always felt the need to have my belongings in order. I wouldn't call it OCD,... just the need for order. I think maybe I feel that if all my belongings were in order, that my life would feel "in order". Not so. I can have everything I own alphabetized, color coded and in chronological order, but it is never going to help me control my chaotic life.
I'm optimistic though. More than I used to be. I have embraced the fact that my children are their own person. I cannot make them be the person that I have envisioned them to be. My husband also has his own mindset on what is right and wrong with the world. Coincidentally, we don't agree on that either. The thing is, no one can make anyone become someone they are not. Does that even make sense?...Well, It does to me.
It's not that I have given up on having the picturesque family that we all dream of, it's accepting that sometime life just isn't organized.
As a matter of fact, life is rarely organized. If your life is organized and your family is everything that you ever imagined, embrace it while it last. Fact is, we are all growing into different people. Sometimes better people, sometimes worse. Every thing we go through in life grows us into to someone different. It's inevitable. If you can spot your weaknesses, begin working to correct them ASAP. I've learned that bitterness, negativity, and grudges slowly sucks the joy and contentment right out of life.
Don't let your vision of what life should be overshadow the blessings of the life you have. Don't dwell on what's missing, but be grateful for what's present. Happiness is a choice. Every morning when you wake up, choose happy. Even when your day begins to crumble, choose happy. Learn from mistakes, make good choices.
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