
Closing 2012

The last two weeks of 2012 have raced by at lightening speed. We have been on the go at a non-stop pace. What a blessing to have so many tasks to accomplish, friends to hang out with and family to visit. I don't really remember everything that we have been up to these last two weeks, but I did find a few photos on my phone. So here is my best effort to reflect on the closing of 2012.
Stroker went to dinner at Crawdaddy's with a couple of his old friends. From what I hear, they had a great time.
Brookelynn took all of her teachers a Christmas gift on the last day of school. I love the personal note that she attached.
Devin's stomache testing went fairly well. He ended up laying on the table for 2 hours before all the radio-active particles passed through his digestive track.

We celebrated Christmas at Daddy's. Zander had the flu, so Brad's family didn't get to attend this year.

Brookelynn loves anything lotiony, smelly or girly.
Daddy passed out his traditional gifts of cash.

Brooke, Darlene and I were in charge of photos, we managed to get a couple of ourselves.

Got a quick snapshot of me and daddy.
We also went to celebrate Christmas at moms. Zander was better by then, but Brad had to go to work that day.
Christmas morning, Brookelynn baked a Birthday cake for Jesus all by herself.
By 1pm on Christmas, we were all at Mildreds enjoying our fourth round of holiday gatherings with family.
Devin received both PS3 games that he had on his list. He has stood in front of his TV ever since.
Good thing I had my phone to snap random pictures these last two weeks. It all happened so fast, if I would have blinked I would have missed it.

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